
62 - 63 Old Steine and 3 - 4 Palace Place Proposed

appropriation from General Fund to Housing

Revenue Account for council owned settled

temporary accommodation – Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 23rd June 2021.

Date of Meeting:

1 July 2021

Contact Officer:


Shaun Hughes


01273 290569



Wards Affected:

All Wards


For General release


Action Required of Policy & Resources Committee:

To receive the recommendations of the Housing Committee for consideration.



(1)      That it be agreed to proceed with Option A (the appropriation and development of a 100% affordable, 11-home housing scheme to meet demand for temporary accommodation).


(2)      That a budget of up to £2.660m to be included in the HRA capital programme for 2021/22 financed by HRA borrowing, right to buy Receipts, general capital receipts and HRA reserves be approved, and


(3)      That the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities be granted delegated authority to appropriate 62-63 Old Steine & 3-4 Palace Place from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account and that the General Fund is compensated by £0.890m be agreed.






Brighton & Hove City Council


Housing Committee


4.00pm23 June 2021






Present:   Councillor Gibson (Joint Chair), Williams (Opposition Spokesperson) and Meadows.





9.        62 - 63 Old Steine and 3 - 4 Palace Place Proposed appropriation from General Fund to Housing Revenue Account for council owned settled temporary accommodation


9.1       The Head of Housing Repairs & Improvement introduced the report to the committee.


9.2       Councillor Williams was informed that the engagement process in July would include vulnerable people and the engagement process would be on going through out the development of the site. Lettings will be carried out carefully through the management plan and security will be installed via CCTV.


9.3       Councillor Meadows was informed that the building was considered to be dilapidated at the moment. The building has been within the council ownership for some time and the condition will be looked at via a full structural survey. The structural survey report, confirming the building to be acceptable, will be shared with the committee. The alleyway to the rear of the building will be looked at in the near future and will be covered by the local letting plan. CCTV will be around the whole building. It was noted that the General Fund will receive money back from the project. The build costs and price of the property are included in the £2.660m stated in the recommendations. The high costs will be reflected in the high quality of the units in development.


9.4       Councillor Williams stated they supported the recommendations.


9.5       Councillor Meadows noted there was a shortage of materials due to the pandemic and the costs were going up. The councillor requested that the build is looked at carefully with regard to costs.


9.6       Councillor Gibson stated that each unit in the development would cost approximately £240,000 and they would be constructed to a high standard. The councillor hoped the units would not cost more. The councillor supported the recommendations.


9.7       A vote was taken, and by a vote of 2 to 1 the committee agreed the recommendations.







(1)      That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to agree to proceed with Option A (the appropriation and development of a 100% affordable, 11-home housing scheme to meet demand for temporary accommodation).


(2)      That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to approve a budget of up to £2.660m to be included in the HRA capital programme for 2021/22 financed by HRA borrowing, right to buy Receipts, general capital receipts and HRA reserves.


(3)      That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities to appropriate 62-63 Old Steine & 3-4 Palace Place from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account and that it be agreed that the General Fund is compensated by £0.890m.